About the collection
Where is My Mind is a monograph on Mental Health and the most personal project of the renowned London-based Black and White photographer Tony Sellen. Usually known for his architectural and geometric street photography, Tony has been working on this project for the better part of the decade as an ongoing series of moments of self-reflection or self-awareness that the artist experienced and captured as a way to share with others.
"The images help me and I hope they help the viewers too, not only their own mental health but also recognising issues that others may have. It’s not always apparent how much we are struggling ourselves until we sit and think about it, then we realise we may need a little help."
"Social media, crypto and NFT’s can amplify the highs in life. We see some amazing wins for individuals and sometimes ourselves. It’s not only these highs that we see and feel, it's also the lows. They can be really low. Talking about mental health can be great and it can work for some, but not everyone will be helped by talking about it and some are not ready to. Highlighting mental health and being there for those that want to talk is the best thing and the least, most of us can do. I hope that this collection of images really does help to highlight mental help a little and make some aware. If it can help anyone in any way then even better."
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Tony Sellen
Tony Sellen is a visual artist based in London, UK. Widely recognised for his black and white architectural and geometric street photography, his work uses lines, shapes, lights and shadows to rescale and reinterpret urban spaces, seascapes and landscapes to provide a novel point of view, often evoking a contemplative feel. His unique post-processing style in black and white is all at once modern, timeless and instantly recognizable.
Tony is one of the early pioneers of photography NFTs, and is known for multiple acclaimed collections including the Limited Ten, White Lines, and Speed of Light. He also built a community of patrons of his 1/1 work on Foundation and SuperRare before becoming a curated artist with Light.art with his most personal project: "WHere is My Mind", a monograph on mental health.
Tony first picked up a camera in 2009, and has been shooting ever since. He has a degree in Railway Engineering which seems to inform his precise geometric work. Outside of his photography work Tony is involved in a number of web3 communities and is always happy to meet new people experimenting with new ways to create and share art.
On Edge
An estimated 1 million people commit suicide each year. That's 1 million lives lost for such sad reasons. 1 million lives that could have been and should have been saved. Lives that were not lived.
Running Out of Steam
Low on steam, not completely ourselves yet we keep going at all costs, but at what price. We push and we push, trying for more, trying to achieve better.
Holy Light
Churches mean so much to so many. They are full of happy times, marriages, christenings and celebrations. They also have sad times like funerals. People go to the church when in need of help. To reflect on thoughts, think through troubled times or sometimes just to escape and get some quiet time.
Wrong Direction
Ever thought everything you do is taking you away from your goals. That you take one step forward in life and then two back. That however hard you try, you feel like you are getting farther away from where you want to be.
Diving into Deep Water
Sometimes it’s better to take the plunge, jump in at the deep end and sink or swim. Looking at it and thinking about it only makes the situation worse, dive into the deep water, you will be surprised how well you do.
Still Standing
Standing still, concentrating on nothing but breathing can do wonders for our mental health. Time has calmed the sea, time can calm our minds.
Bigger Troubles Ahead
Every challenge we take on, every obstacle we tackle, every hill we climb, remember, there are always bigger problems out there than what we are facing.
At Peace
Our minds are often rushing and crashing with thoughts and worries, just like the raging white water at Skógafoss waterfall in Iceland. Find peace, don't get out of control like the water.
A Cloud Hanging Over My Head
Ever feel like that little cloud follows you wherever you go, that little problem that just won't go away. Don't let the cloud hanging over you become a storm.
My Shadow and I
That dark shadow that follows us around can often feel bigger than us, bigger than we can handle. A shadow full of worry, stress and depression. It’s there round every corner we take, we just can’t seem to lose it.
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